Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

We operate through our store within the Lazada platform, any delivery charges will be automatically computed by their system. Delivery charge details are not made known to us. The system has their own formula for it and the results are displayed on the cart before checkout.

Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?

This website is mostly an informational and catalogue site for products. The payment methods are those which are available in our store found within the Lazada platform.

How long will delivery take?

It’s Lazada logistics crew that handles all deliveries, not us microsellers within the platform. Given the bulk of our orders, our Pandas usually take 24-48 hours to prepare orders sent on weekdays for packing. For orders sent on Thursday to Sunday, orders are usually packed Monday or Tuesday. After the orders are packed, we still have to wait for the logistics crew to pick up the order. They handle all stages and information regarding delivery to you.

How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?

We do not handle customer data. We operate through our store within Lazada and here is a link to their privacy policy.

View the Privacy Policy

What exactly happens after ordering?

Given the bulk of our orders, our Pandas usually take 24-48 hours to prepare orders sent on weekdays for packing. For orders sent on Thursday to Sunday, orders are usually packed Monday or Tuesday. After the orders are packed, we still have to wait for the logistics crew to pick up the order. They handle all stages and information regarding delivery to you.

Do you have a refund policy?

 We operate through our store within Lazada and here is a link to their refund policy.

View the Refund Policy here

Do you have Terms of Use?

We operate through our store within Lazada and here is a link to their Terms of Use.

Click here to view Terms of Use